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…Master of Sports Administration, King Abdulaziz University, General Supervisor to manage the women's football team of the Saudi Al-Ahly Club. Supervisor of women's sports for the Saudi Al-Ahly Club. Vice-Chairman of the Women's Committee in the Saudi Handball Federation and leader of the Western Region. Certified Administrative Lecturer and Fitness Trainer from Ansab International Institute


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Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at Minia University. Head of the medical staff at the Arab Contractors Club. Director of the most suitable institute for sports sciences


She holds a master's degree The role of genetic variation, sports nutrition and fitness programs in selecting and directing players in different sports She holds a 450-hour trainer’s diploma in applied sports sciences from the French Institute of Sports Sciences


She holds the Saudi Register Level 4 Certificate for Fitness Professionals (Ereps) holds the European accreditation, iReps (insep) Trainer of the most suitable institute (insep) is accredited by the most appropriate institute She holds a certificate of a martial arts trainer from the International Federation (GAMMA) and the Arab Federation Kickboxing player black belt 1 dan Ranked as an Arab coach C from the Arab Federation of Kickboxing AYF Yoga Instructor from tai chi coach fet academy has a training certificate from Obtaining a membership certificate from Christopher harrision's Accredited by the Swedish Academy I.M.A.S is a member of The first certified mixed martial arts trainer in Saudi Arabia from the International Federation of Mixed Martial Arts TOT Certified Trainer Trainer She holds a certificate in nutrition and sports injuries